HCV Exposure

With the ability of new treatments to cure HCV, the rate of exposure will continue to decrease during the next years - Dr. Bruno Pozzetto

HCV Exposure
HCV Exposure

image by: Hepatitis C Global Initiatives

HWN Suggests

Very low seroconversion rates after occupational exposure to HCV or HIV in Body Fluids

Healthcare workers exposed to body fluids contaminated with hepatitis C virus (HCV) or the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) face very low rates of seroconversion, researchers report.

“The significant improvements in safety practices and the implementation of antiretroviral therapy should be considered major victories for science, public health, and infection control,” Dr. Francesco M. Egro from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) in Pennsylvania told Reuters Health by email.

Still, he cautioned, “physicians and other healthcare workers need to maintain the rigorous practices developed so far and strive to identify new ways to create a safer environment…

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 Very low seroconversion rates after occupational exposure to HCV or HIV in Body Fluids

An estimated 926,000 healthcare personnel around the world are exposed annually to HCV and 327,000 to HIV through sharps-related injuries, resulting in 16,400 new HCV infections and 1,000 new HIV infections among healthcare workers.

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