One in 12 persons worldwide are living with either chronic hepatitis B or hepatitis C. It has higher prevalence rate than HIV or any cancer in the world - WHO

image by: American Liver Foundation
HWN Suggests
World Hepatitis Day Is an Opportunity to Stop This Silent Killer, Once and For All
I so vividly remember one of my earliest encounters with viral hepatitis. I was working in Hacettepe University Hospital in Turkey when a seriously ill old woman was admitted. Her belly was swollen -- the size of a full-term pregnancy -- but there was no baby. Her abdomen was full of fluids because her liver had stopped functioning properly. She was dying from chronic liver disease due to viral hepatitis.
Viral hepatitis -- a group of infectious diseases caused by hepatitis A, B, C, D and E viruses -- can lead to liver cirrhosis and cancer, both horrible diseases to have -- and to die from.
It was years before I learned quite how many people there are in the world living…
The U.S. needs extra action to eliminate viral hepatitis, the nation’s deadliest infectious disease
Yet even though we now have cures for hepatitis C, and a vaccine to prevent hepatitis B, steps must be taken to reach the populations who are disproportionately affected by this disease, including certain racial and ethnic minorities, baby boomers, people who inject drugs, and some recipients of blood transfusions and organ transplants, in order to eliminate viral hepatitis in the U.S.
The WHO wants to rid the world of hepatitis by 2030: why it’s a tough ask
The WHO’s 2030 deadline is feasible. But it may not be achieved because of the prevailing low vaccination coverage in sub-Saharan Africa coupled with limited healthcare budgets that are unable to make diagnostics and treatment available to all.
This Case Shows How You Can Catch Hepatitis E From Rats
Rats. Here is another disease that you could possibly get from rats.
A Neglected Family Of Killer Viruses
We think of HIV, TB and malaria as some of the deadliest infectious diseases on earth. And the death tolls bear that out. But there's a family of viruses that is in the same league: hepatitis viruses.
Patient Voices: Hepatitis
The disease carries a host of complicating factors, side effects and stigma. Here six men and women speak about living with hepatitis.
The oldest virus ever found is an STI
Sexually transmitted infections are as old as sex itself. While sequencing the genetic information from remains at archaeological sites in Germany, Russia, Poland, and Kazakhstan, researchers stumbled across fragments of DNA from hepatitis B dating back to as long ago as 4,500 years. These are the oldest virus fragments ever found to date, and could help scientists piece together how the modern-day form of the hep B virus evolved.
ABCs of hepatitis: What you need to know
Hepatitis A is among a group of viruses that can cause inflammation of the liver. Vaccines can protect against hepatitis A and B. All baby boomers should be tested for hepatitis C, often asymptomatic.
California's Hepatitis A Outbreak Is the Future Poking Us in the Face
Homeless people present a particular challenge for health—but for reasons as much political as medical. When the urban infrastructure shows signs of weakness, as it has with these hep A outbreaks, it’s not just a medical tragedy. It’s a signal of a failure yet to come. If social policy doesn’t deal with America’s ongoing social and political homelessness crisis, it’s going to be an even worse public health problem later—for everyone.
Explainer: the A, B, C, D and E of hepatitis
Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E are very different viruses. Hepatitis A is genetically closer to the common cold than it is to hepatitis B, for example. Hepatitis C is closer to the virus that causes dengue fever. The thing all five have in common is they can cause mild to very severe liver damage.
Hepatitis A, B, and C: Symptoms, Treatments, and Facts
When it comes to STDs, it doesn’t get more confusing than hepatitis.
Hepatitis Gone Viral: 100 Times More Infectious Than HIV...
Few realize how highly infectious viral hepatitis is. Hepatitis B is 100 times more infectious than HIV. Few realize that, left untreated, it can cause liver disease, liver cancer, and premature death decades after infection. Few realize that roughly 2 billion people worldwide have been infected with Hepatitis B; over 170 million people are chronically infected with Hepatitis C...
Hepatitis Patients Often "Fall Off" the Treatment Path
Many people with hepatitis C end up not receiving adequate treatment, because they lose their way through the medical system during the early stages of their care, researchers say.
The Hidden Disease of the Middle-Aged
Liver disease is on the rise among middle-aged Americans, but many don’t know they have it—or that they could develop it.
The Oldest Virus Ever Sequenced Comes From a 7,000-Year-Old Tooth
The millennia-old hepatitis B viruses were all very strange. They looked less like modern-day human viruses than the hepatitis B viruses that today infect chimpanzees and gorillas in Africa.
Updated Viral Hepatitis Action Plan Released
Chronic viral hepatitis (hepatitis B [HBV] and hepatitis C [HCV]) is a largely preventable and treatable disease. Yet it affects between 3.5 and 5.3 million Americans, most of them unaware of their infection. As a result, untreated chronic viral hepatitis represents the leading cause of liver cancer and the most common reason for liver transplantation in the United States. In addition, it is a leading infectious cause of death in the U.S., claiming the lives of 12,000-18,000 Americans each year.
World Hepatitis Day Is an Opportunity to Stop This Silent Killer, Once and For All
I was stunned when I learned that hepatitis kills 1.4 million people every year, making it one of the world's top-10 killers along with ischemic heart disease, HIV/AIDS and lung cancer.
Hep is an award-winning print and online brand for people living with and affected by viral hepatitis. Offering unparalleled editorial excellence since 2010, Hep and HepMag.com are the go-to source for educational and social support for people living with hepatitis.
World Hepatitis Day
Viral hepatitis -- a group of infectious diseases known as hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E -- affects millions of people worldwide, causing both acute (short-term) and chronic (long-term) liver disease. Viral hepatitis causes more than one million deaths each year. While deaths from tuberculosis and HIV have been declining, deaths from hepatitis are increasing. In order to raise awareness of this hidden epidemic, the World Health Assembly designated July 28th as World Hepatitis Day.
Hepatitis Education Project
Whether you are a patient, a family member, a friend, a health care/service provider, or just someone who wants to know more about hepatitis or our organization, this site will provide you with information about the work we do and the issues facing hepatitis patients.
Hepatitis Foundation International
The Hepatitis Foundation International is dedicated to liver health and the prevention of liver related diseases. We inform and educate by making available reliable and up-to-date facts. We want you to make well-informed decisions for yourself and your loved ones' health and well-being. We are proud to present this website as your personal Internet gateway to hepatitis information and liver care.
World Hepatitis Alliance
Through better awareness, prevention, care, support and access to treatment, our ultimate goal is to work with our members, governments and other key partners to eradicate these diseases from the planet. We provide global leadership and support action that will halt the viral hepatitis death toll and improve lives.
About Hepatitis
Hepatitis A is the only common vaccine-preventable foodborne disease in the United States (Fiore, 2004). It is one of five human hepatitis viruses that primarily infect the human liver and cause human illness.
We want you to have accurate, timely information, and that is why we've created The Support Partnership - a network of four nationally recognized nonprofits that have nearly 90 years of combined experience with peer helplines, hepatitis C support, education, testing, treatment, and advocacy.
Hepatitis (Viral Hepatitis A, B, C, D, E, G)
Viruses that primarily attack the liver are called hepatitis viruses. There are several types of hepatitis viruses including types A, B, C, D, E, and possibly G. Types A, B, and C are the most common.
Hepatitis Australia
Hepatitis Australia, incorporated in 1997, is the peak community organisation to progress national action on issues of importance to people affected by hepatitis B and hepatitis C.
Hepatitis C Association
The focus of the Hepatitis C Association is to educate the public, both patients and medical providers, about hepatitis C virus. We offer factual information through educational programs and support materials.
Hepatitis Central
All the information you need about living with Hepatitis C, including the latest news about infection, transmission, symptoms, treatment breakthroughs and medical progress.
Hepatitis D
In 1977, Dr. Mario Rizzetto and associates discovered in Italy, in patients affected by Hepatitis B a new antigen different than surface, core and e systems that they called "delta antigen". (Gut 18:997-1003,1977).
Hepatitis NSW
We are a not-for-profit charity started by the hepatitis community. Together we inform, support and educate.
Hepatitis Queensland
Hepatitis Queensland is committed to improving liver health for ALL Queenslanders. We are a community-based, non-government organisation that represents the interests of people affected by, or at risk of viral hepatitis and liver disease. Our mission is to address stigma, improve the lives of those affected by viral hepatitis and meet emerging liver health challenges.
Latest news about HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C, including medical journal summaries and conference coverage.
The aim of infohep.org is to develop a high-quality online resource to increase awareness of viral hepatitis, its treatment, and the needs of people living with viral hepatitis in Europe.
Journal of Viral Hepatitis
The Journal of Viral Hepatitis publishes reviews, original work (full papers) and short, rapid communications in the area of viral hepatitis. It solicits these articles from epidemiologists, clinicians, pathologists, virologists and specialists in transfusion medicine working in the field, thereby bringing together in a single journal the important issues in this expanding speciality.
National Viral Hepatitis Roundtable
The National Viral Hepatitis Roundtable (NVHR) is a coalition of public, private and voluntary organizations dedicated to reducing the incidence of infection, morbidity and mortality from viral hepatitis in the United States. We accomplish this by advocating for at-risk populations, convening visionary leaders and coordinating a unified national response to viral hepatitis based on current research.
Viral Hepatitis Action Coalition
The Viral Hepatitis Action Coalition is a public-private partnership developed by the CDC Foundation to help the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) make meaningful advances in the prevention, screening and treatment of viral hepatitis.
Viral Hepatitis particularly D and E
Hepatitis is a general term that refers to inflammation of the liver. This condition may result from various infectious (viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic organisms) and noninfectious (medications, toxins, and autoimmune disorders) causes; however, this article considers hepatitis caused by viral infection.
Viral Hepatitis Prevention Board
The objective of VHPB is to contribute to the control and prevention of viral hepatitides: 1. by drawing the attention to this important public health problem 2. by issuing prevention guidance and catalyse the development of recommendations, and 3. by encouraging actions to improve control and prevention.
The ABCs of Hepatitis.
Clinical Care Options
CCO believes the way to optimize clinicians’ competence in providing the highest standards of evidence-based medicine is through effective education and the availability of the latest clinical information, whenever and wherever it is needed. CCO is dedicated to improving patient care by providing superior-quality, relevant educational content and clinical knowledge as delivered through its innovative and integrated online and mobile platforms, which provide comprehensive and personalized information solutions.
Medical News Today
The latest Liver Disease News & Hepatitis News articles published daily. Includes news on Inflammation of the liver, cirrhosis, cysts, hepatitis A, B and C and much more.
What do drugs, alcohol, unprotected sex, tattoos, and body piercings have in common? They're all things your parents might lecture you about avoiding, but there's another connection: They can all lead to a liver condition called hepatitis.
Recognizing the tremendous burden caused by viral hepatitis, the World Health Assembly adopted resolution WHA63.18 in 2010, calling for a comprehensive approach to the prevention and control of viral hepatitis.

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