As obesity creeps into preschools, and hypertension and type II diabetes become pediatric problems for the very first time, the case for starting preventive health care in the cradle has become too compelling to keep ignoring - Heidi Murkoff

image by: Step Out Walk to Stop Diabetes
HWN Suggests
Diabetes may be a major, overlooked reason Americans are now dying earlier
In 2015, a blockbuster study came to a shocking conclusion: Middle-age white Americans are dying at younger ages for the first time in decades, despite our advances in medical technology and the positive trends in other wealthy countries.
The research, by Princeton’s Anne Case and Angus Deaton, highlighted the links between economic struggles, suicides, and alcohol and drug overdoses. Since then, researchers have been scrambling to fully explain the trend, which now seems to be affecting the entire population. The efforts have suggested it’s not just “deaths of despair”— from opioids, alcohol, and suicides — that account for the dip in life expectancy, but that violence and cardiovascular…
Why people with diabetes are being hit so hard by Covid-19
There are no easy answers to the coronavirus pandemic, but for people with diabetes, it’s dismayingly difficult to untangle the thicket of biological and socioeconomic factors that make them more likely to suffer severe illness and die should they catch the virus that causes Covid-19.
How to Prevent Diabetes and Heart Disease for $16
The strategy I’m referring to is using a glucometer to test your post-meal blood sugars. It’s simple, accessible and completely bypasses the medical establishment and pharmaceutical companies by putting the power of knowledge in your hands.
Family matters in diabetes care
World Diabetes Day takes place each year on Nov 14—the birthday of Frederick Banting, the Canadian physician and scientist who shared the 1923 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his central role in the discovery of insulin and its potential for use in the treatment of diabetes. Established by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and WHO in 1991, it became an official UN Day in 2006, and is the world's largest diabetes awareness campaign, serving to highlight important issues via annual and multi-year themes that have previously included education and prevention, foot care, healthy eating, and women and diabetes.
Five Easy-To-Miss Signs Of Diabetes
This common condition can sneak up on you — here’s what to look for so you can see it coming.
How to explain diabetes to someone who doesn’t have it
Diabetes is one of those things that many people think they know everything about, yet they actually know so little…it is probably similar in some other situations, but I am not so sure. For example, I would never presume to know all about Cancer, or Epilepsy or Lupus.
It's Not Just Insulin: Diabetes Patients Struggle To Get Crucial Supplies
Diabetes activists and legislators have started to focus attention on the surging price of insulin, leading to legislative pushes, lawsuits and congressional hearings. But insulin isn't the only thing people with Type 1 diabetes are struggling to get. Managing the condition requires other essential, often life-saving medical supplies. And patients frequently face hurdles in getting access to those supplies — hurdles put in place by insurance companies.
The looming public health crises threatening to take down China’s health care system
Zimmet, of the International Diabetes Federation, refers to the escalating crisis as a “tsunami” and says the only thing to do is to take drastic steps such as ploughing huge resources into prevention and educational health campaigns underscoring the importance of exercise and balanced diets.
This Jagged Little Pill Could Make Diabetes Easier to Treat
Antibodies, proteins—these molecules are too fragile. That’s why you still have to get your immunizations as shots, and why many diabetics have to inject themselves multiple times a day with insulin to keep their blood sugar levels from getting toxic. But there might be another way, if you ditch all your assumptions about what makes a pill a pill and a shot a shot...
Type 1 diabetes may be two conditions that need different treatments
Diabetes is generally thought to come in two forms: type 1 and type 2. But a study suggests type 1 diabetes could be two separate conditions, meaning there are more forms than we realised.
Type 2 diabetes may not be a lifelong condition
TYPE 2 diabetes has long been considered a progressive, lifelong condition, with significant risk of developing vascular complications. But ongoing research funded by Diabetes UK is changing that view, showing that remission of type 2 is possible for some people.
A Diabetic Dream
Can synthetic biology finally cure the autoimmune disease?
A Dilemma for Diabetes Patients: How Low to Push Blood Sugar, and How to Do It?
It’s becoming clear, researchers say, that there’s far too little evidence on how diabetes drugs affect the heart to make rational evidence-based judgments. “If you think the landscape is confusing, it really is,” said Dr. Leigh Simmons, an internist in Boston.
A Do-It-Yourself Revolution in Diabetes Care
Biohackers are attempting to resurrect an older product to address the lack of generic insulin, Dr. Greene said. “I don’t think that we should be surprised that a population of technologically savvy patients, whose lives are dependent on access to a supply of a biological agent, should be interested in taking means of production into their own hands, especially at time when insulin prices have risen at unpredictably alarming rates.”
Before You Spend $26,000 on Weight-Loss Surgery, Do This
It is nonsensical that we’re expected to prescribe these techniques to our patients while the medical guidelines don’t include another better, safer and far cheaper method: a diet low in carbohydrates.
Curing Diabetes: How Type 2 Became an Accepted Lifestyle
Diabetes is big business, and many have been convinced that managing it forever is their only option. But it is possible to cure the disease.
Diabetes and Your Eyes
Diabetic eye disease, caused by diabetes, is a leading cause of blindness and vision loss. Because of the high risk for eye disease, all people with type 2 diabetes should receive an annual dilated eye exam. For people with type 1 diabetes, an annual dilated exam is recommended after they have had diabetes for 5 years.
Diabetes is on the rise — and it's costing the US billions each year
The CDC's latest report offers no explanation for the rise. But, at least with type 2 diabetes, the rise of diabetes is linked to America's increasingly sedentary lifestyle. It's no coincidence that obesity is becoming a bigger problem as diabetes gets worse as well.
Frederick Banting’s discovery of insulin in the 1920s saved a child's life. It’s still saving lives.
The Canadian scientist led the charge that discovered insulin.
Having Diabetes Is No Longer Going To Be A Life Sentence
While we wait for regenerative medicine to provide us with lab-grown pancreases to replace diseased ones and permanently treat diabetes, patients unfortunately will have to continue searching for better tools to manage their disease. The good news is that several approaches have already been undertaken to develop such tools to help them do so.
Hoodwinked by the diabetes industry
Hoodwinked by the diabetes industry, we spend, as a society, tons of money treating this so-called risk factor called hemoglobin A1c, yet all that money does almost nothing to save lives or help people live longer. We should be spending healthcare dollars that purchase health.
How a BMI Fallacy Convinced the World that Diabetes Is a Disease of Excess
While most of the medical community treats type II diabetes as something to be prevented through exercise and healthy food, the rapid growth rate of the disease in developing countries calls for a more thorough approach.
How Sanofi Is Writing The Social Media Rules For Big Pharma Without Running Afoul Of The FDA
After a Facebook PR meltdown two years ago, Sanofi has emerged as a social media leader with a robust community for diabetics. Here's how they are writing #TheRules while the FDA catches up.
Paula Deen is No Longer the Butter Queen
We all know that eating sticks of butter and cups of sugar for a snack then sitting around like a sloth is not a good idea, unless you’re Paula Deen and have found a way to turn that into millions of dollars.
The alarming surge in diabetes, in one world map
Around the world, the number of people living with diabetes has quadrupled since 1980, and most of the burden of the disease is concentrated in poorer countries.
The Diabetic's Paradox
Health self-tracking is in vogue. But is it more of a boon or a burden?
The Disease That Will Affect Half the Nation by 2020
Some 27 million Americans are known to have diabetes, and a further 67 million are thought to be pre-diabetic. And a good many of these folks don’t even know that they have these conditions because type 2 diabetes can hang out with you without showing any symptoms at all. The same is the case with pre-diabetes.
The Miracle Berry Could Be a Miracle
The miracle berry really is a bit miraculous in its effect and is certainly a good bit of fun as well. Ultimately it may even turn out to be beneficial to both dieters and diabetics.
The Rock v. Diabetes
Diabetes is one of the most common causes of blindness and along with hypertension is the most common cause of kidney failure worldwide. But, Diabetes may have finally met its match, 'The Rock'.
There Will Be Blood Pricks
Diabetes has forced me to become a self-tracker, and I can't stand it.
Treating Diabetes: Is Less Better?
We cannot afford simply to say that once a person reaches 65, glycemic goals and treatment methods can be casually loosened to avoid any chance of hypoglycemia. Many Americans with diabetes who are 65 or older but in otherwise good health have decades of life ahead of them. They deserve the opportunity to manage their diabetes in a way that will reduce their risk of debilitating complications, including hypoglycemia.
When Diabetes Treatment Goes Too Far
There is nothing wrong with the industry selling its drugs, but it is the job of the medical profession to guide what treatment patients receive. To do this properly, doctors with financial ties to diabetes drug industry shouldn’t be writing guidelines on how to use these drugs. At present, this is still common.
Why Google Is Going All In On Diabetes
Millions of people with diabetes prick a finger more than five times a day to monitor their blood glucose levels. It's a painful and expensive process. But now, Google's Life Sciences division is putting its immense resources behind new initiatives aimed at helping them better live with the disease.
Hacking Diabetes At Home
People with the disease have found new ways to modify their gear, and their own metabolisms.
The Bigger Picture
This campaign aims to inspire young people to change the conversation about type 2 diabetes and work to confront the systems that have led to its spread.
Diabetes may be a major, overlooked reason Americans are now dying earlier
While death certificates usually suggest that around 3.5 percent of deaths were caused by diabetes, the researchers found the number may be closer to 12 percent — three times higher than the typical estimates.
A program of Beyond Type 1 a 501c3 nonprofit that connects, empowers, mobilizes #diabetes community.
Defeat Diabetes Foundation
The mission of Defeat Diabetes Foundation is to inform, educate and alert the general public, diabetics, pre-diabetics and elected officials about the disease.
Diabetes Action
The Diabetes Action Research and Education Foundation (Diabetes Action), a non-profit 501(c)3 organization founded in 1990, is committed to the prevention and treatment of diabetes and to the funding of innovative, promising research aimed at finding a cure for diabetes and diabetes related complications.
Diabetes Care
Diabetes Care is a journal for the health care practitioner that is intended to increase knowledge, stimulate research, and promote better management of people with diabetes
Diabetes Daily
You're a click away from a treasure of knowledge and support. If you're eager to start chatting, head straight to the forum.
Diabetes Forecast
DiabetesForecast.org, published by the American Diabetes Association, is the premier consumer magazine website for people living with diabetes or prediabetes. The website reaches highly engaged people who are actively seeking ways to live healthier, happier, and longer while managing their condition.
Diabetes Forums
Keeping you connected with the latest diabetes updates.
Diabetes Genes
Diabetesgenes.org aims to provide information for patients and professionals on research and clinical care in genetic types of diabetes.
Diabetes Health
Diabetes Health is the essential resource for people living with diabetes—both newly diagnosed and experienced—as well as the professionals who care for them. We provide balanced expert news and information on living healthfully with diabetes.
Diabetes In Control
The Mission of Diabetes In Control is to be the world leader of current and accurate on-line diabetes information for medical professionals, and to promote increased understanding of the care and treatment of diabetes, ultimately helping the medical professional to empower the patient to better self-care.
Diabetes Self-Management
Diabetes Self-Management is a publisher of authoritative, reliable health information for the growing number of people with diabetes who want to know more about controlling and managing their diabetes.
Diabetes Strong
The goal of Diabetes Strong is to provide a platform where people living with (any type) of diabetes can find all the information they need to live healthy and active lives.
Diabetes Voice
Diabetes Voice is the quarterly magazine of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF). It covers the latest developments in diabetes care, education, prevention, research, health policy and economics, as well as themes related to living with diabetes. Diabetes Voice goes to the heart of issues that are crucial to all those who can further the promotion of diabetes care, prevention, and a cure worldwide.
The internet portal www.diabetes-news.de addresses diabetics and their relatives as well as physicians and other experts who deal with the treatment and care of people with diabetes.
Diabetes information that is easy to read and understand.
We offer a unique mix of news, views, reviews, guest posts, interviews, videos, cartoons, Q&A and any other type of quality content useful for people touched by diabetes.
DiabetesOne Portal
The DiabetesOne portal is provided as a service to the diabetes community by Impactiviti, an eHealth company (http://www.impactiviti.com). This portal also has a particular focus on raising the awareness of diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs), an under-treated condition.
Your home for engaging and helpful videos, articles, resources and more built by doctors for your needs.
DiabetesSisters offers a range of education and support services to help women of all ages with all types of diabetes live healthier, fuller lives. We understand the fear and isolation that often comes with living with diabetes because we are an organization that is managed by women who are living with diabetes.
Diabetic Gourmet Magazine
Dedicated to diabetic dining and healthy living.
Diabetic Mommy
Diabetes and pregnancy, fertility issues, gestational diabetes, parenting, women's issues.
Diabetics Doing Things
Diabetics do amazing things every day that go unnoticed. These are their stories.
diaTribe seeks to empower our readers with useful, actionable information that gives them hope for a better future, and helps them live happier and healthier lives. Our tag line is “Making Sense of Diabetes.”
Stay connected with diabetes information with dlife.
Integrated Diabetes Services
Integrated Diabetes Services is dedicated to helping you live successfully with diabetes.
OnTrackDiabetes is full of practical, up-to-date and medically reviewed articles, podcasts, webinars and video on the most effective way to manage blood glucose, your diet, exercise, mental health, and medications so that you can thrive with diabetes.
Taking Control of your Diabetes
TCOYD's Mission is to educate and motivate people with diabetes and their loved ones, to take a more active role in their condition, in order to live healthier, happier, and more productive lives.
The Diabetes News
The Diabetic News will keep you well informed and up to date with the latest developments in diabetes related health.
The Diabetes Quiz
The Diabetes Quiz is an educational program to help kids and adults learn about Diabetes.
A Sweet Life
We know that diabetes is a very serious and frightening disease, but we also know that life with diabetes can be normal. It can even be sweet. Rather than think about diabetes in the negative sense of an illness, we prefer to think of it as our lifestyle. And we are determined to be healthy diabetics. We believe we are succeeding, and we hope that the information we provide through this site will help you do the same.
Beyond Type 1
Founded in 2015 by Juliet de Baubigny, Nick Jonas, Sarah Lucas + Sam Talbot, Beyond Type 1 is leveraging the power of social media and technology, changing what it means to live with a chronic disease. By educating the global community about this autoimmune disease, as well as providing resources and supporting those living with Type 1 diabetes, Beyond Type 1 is bridging the gap from diagnosis to cure, empowering people to live well today and funding a better tomorrow.
Beyond Type 2
Launched in 2019, Beyond Type 2 is a program of the nonprofit organization Beyond Type 1. Beyond Type 2 is a place for everyone impacted by Type 2 diabetes to share their stories, get connected to the community, and find resources on topics from daily management to mental health.
Website provides an in-depth look at some cutting edge diabetes research your doctor may not have had time to read. It could make a huge difference in whether or not you get complications.
Children With Diabetes
The online community for kids, families and adults with diabetes.
Children with Diabetes Research Foundation
The mission of the Children with Diabetes Research Foundation is to fund human clinical trials leading to cure and prevention of Type 1 diabetes. We are the venture capitalists of diabetes research, getting new, clinically relevant, innovative research off the ground.
College Diabetes Network
CDN works for the day when all young adults with diabetes are motivated and equipped to live a healthy life, so they can pursue their dreams without compromise.
Diabetes New Zealand
The first port of call for New Zealanders with diabetes, those at risk and their families.
Insulin Nation
Insulin Nation® delivers comprehensive information about the technology and science of diabetes therapy, and curates the best, most relevant news for the 6.5 million people in the US who take insulin. Topics covered include diabetes-specific technology and medicine, the science behind a potential cure, wearable and wireless health tech, the rich data produced by meters, pumps, and CGMs, and the people and organizations that impact the everyday lives of our readers – the “Citizens” of Insulin Nation.
Diabetes is a disease that perhaps more than any other depends much more on the patient than on the doctor. Hence, the purpose of this website is to provide you with honest and accurate information to help you manage your diabetes.
National Diabetes Education Initiative
Your Online Resource for Diabetes Treatment.
One Drop
One Drop is a diabetes management platform that harnesses the power of mobile computing and data science to empower people with diabetes to live their best lives.
Open Insulin Project
We're a team of Bay Area biohackers working on newer, simpler, less expensive ways to make insulin.
Scott's Web Log
44, consultant, writer, speaker, brother, son, friend, partner, person with autoimmune (type 1) diabetes, former pumper, thinker, dreamer. Patients need to read the medical and scientific literature themselves before drawing conclusions. The popular press loves to publish abbreviated facts to fit into limited space, mine does not mince words or leave key facts out.
Six Until Me
I started Six Until Me in May of 2005 because I was tired of Googling “diabetes” and coming up with little more than a list of complications and frightening stories. Where were all the people who were living with this disease, like I have been since I was a little girl? Was I the only diabetic out there who felt alone?
The Nightscout Foundation
The Nightscout Foundation exists to encourage and support the creation of open source technology projects that enhance the lives of people with Type 1 Diabetes and those who love them. This includes fundraising, advocacy, and direct software and hardware development.
We believe that the purpose of technology is to help people. We are giving diabetes data a place to live. We’re taking open source approaches that have been proven in areas from banking to search to security, and we’re applying the same principles to diabetes software. You’d think we’d be late to the party, but we’re the first ones here.
Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet
We are an international network of leading academic institutions, physicians, scientists and healthcare teams dedicated to the prevention of type 1 diabetes. We offer risk screening for relatives of people with type 1 diabetes and innovative clinical studies to preserve insulin production.
American Diabetes Association
Our mission is to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes.
America’s Diabetes Challenge
America’s Diabetes Challenge: Get to Your Goals is a program from Merck and the American Diabetes Association to urge people with type 2 diabetes to work with their doctor to set and reach their A1C goal...
Information for the public and professionals about diabetes, including research, statistics, and educational publications.
This site is for you. Many of our new tools are tailored to your personal situation, you will need to register and create a profile in order to access them.
Healthcare Industry Today
Diabetes News. Service for global professionals. Constantly updated news and information about health.
Idaho Plate Method
The Idaho plate method is used for diabetes meal planning. It also works well for weight loss, teaching good nutrition, and improving blood glucose and lipids.
At JDRF, we're leading the fight against type 1 diabetes (T1D) by funding research, advocating for policies that accelerate access to new therapies, and providing a support network for millions of people around the world impacted by T1D.
Jewish Diabetes Association
The JDA (Jewish Diabetes Association) is the nation's first and leading Jewish non-profit, non-sectarian health organization devoted to diabetes education and advocacy.
Joslin Diabetes Center
Joslin Diabetes Center is the only diabetes institution in the world that goes beyond a single focus. With efforts in these three critical areas, a synergy develops: researchers, clinicians and educators collaborate in ways that produce cutting-edge scientific discovery, unique clinical care models and pioneering educational strategies.
Medical News Today
The latest Diabetes News articles published daily. Includes news on type I diabetes (insulin-dependent) and type II diabetes (adult-onset) and prediabetes - treatment, medications, breakthroughs, causes and prevention options.
NIDDK research creates knowledge about and treatments for diseases that are among the most chronic, costly, and consequential for patients, their families, and the Nation.
ScienceDaily is one of the Internet's leading online magazines and Web portals devoted to science, technology, and medicine.
WHO is the directing and coordinating authority for health within the United Nations system. It is responsible for providing leadership on global health matters, shaping the health research agenda, setting norms and standards, articulating evidence-based policy options, providing technical support to countries and monitoring and assessing health trends.

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Coming Soon - Stitches, the innovative chat app from the creators of HWN. Join meaningful conversations on health and medical topics. Share text, images, and videos seamlessly. Connect directly within HWN's topic pages and articles.