There is a plan and a purpose, a value to every life, no matter what its location, age, gender or disability - Sharron Angle

image by: Center for Disability Rights
HWN Suggests
10 Things The World Can Learn From People With Disabilities
No matter the type of person, there are lessons to be learned from them. People with disabilities are especially influential, as our hardships in life aren't easily forgotten. We go through every day with determination and strength, which many people are bowled over by, with many secretly wondering if they could do the same thing. People with a disabilities learn so much throughout their lives; life lessons that able-bodied people rarely get to experience.
Having a disability is definitely difficult, but it's also one of the richest classrooms a human can experience, too. While these learning experiences are more profound experienced directly,…
AccessAble is here to take the chance out of going out. To give you the accessibility information you need to work out if a place is going to be accessible for you. We've surveyed 10,000s of venues across the UK and Ireland, including shops, pubs, restaurants, cinemas, theatres, railway stations, hotels, colleges, universities, hospitals and more.
The fully accessible guide to paying for college for students with disabilities
Paying for college is a complicated process for any aspiring student. It’s a process that raises a ton of questions: What’s a Pell Grant? What’s a Perkins Loan? Do I have to pay anything back? For students with a disability, those questions are even more complicated. The good news: A disability is not an impediment to a college education. There are plenty of resources for those who need help to apply and pay for it.
We Need to Stop Talking About Disability as a Burden
The path forward is in diversifying our newsrooms and our media coverage, and giving the disability community a seat at the reporting table, and not just to cover disability-centric stories. It’s for reporters outside the disability community to center those voices in their reporting, defer to individuals’ preference in how they want to be identified, and use available resources to do thorough research and report stories that counter stigma and stereotypes.
Disability Is Not Just a Metaphor
The entertainment industry loves disabled characters—but not disabled actors...We are not witnessing the actual pain and struggle of real disabled human beings; it is all make believe.
Disabled Workers: We Need to Fight for Ourselves Too
Disability represents the world's largest minority, yet in the United States, disability seems to be one of the least discussed workplace issues. People with disabilities need and deserve a movement revolving around the workplace at all levels, from entry-level, basic employment, to the highest reaches of leadership.
Ten Things We Want to Tell You About Disability
It's a strange thing, I think, that the voice of people living with disabilities is so rarely heard loudly and clearly, and without judgement. It is even more rare, that so many people who do not consider themselves to have a disability, are so unaware of the thoughts and feelings that come with living with one.
The Fight for Disabled Rights Has Gone on Too Long
Sadly, one in five disabled people worldwide still experience difficulties, but hope reigns eternal.
Trapped In His Body For 12 Years, A Man Breaks Free
What would you do if you were locked in your body, your brain intact but with no way to communicate? How do you survive emotionally when you are invisible to everyone you know and love?
While We’re at It — 5 Steps Toward Disability Equality
What else needs to happen before people with disabilities enjoy the same level of services, equal consideration, or access to the same facilities, and equal employment opportunities? The disabled population continues to contend with separate facilities, poor alternatives, negativity, unfair generalizations and being overlooked for jobs because of their differences.
10 Things The World Can Learn From People With Disabilities
No matter the type of person, there are lessons to be learned from them. People with disabilities are especially influential, as our hardships in life aren’t easily forgotten. We go through every day with determination and strength, which many people are bowled over by, with many secretly wondering if they could do the same thing.
Disabled World
The primary focus of the Disabled World web site is to provide up to date information via our informative articles, disability news and educational videos. In addition to our articles, stories from our in-house writers, and submitted news items by various organizations and Government Departments, each day we manually select relevant items from around the web for publishing that we consider will be of interest to persons with disabilities, carers, and the general public.
Ouch explores the disability world in blog posts and a monthly internet radio talk show. It is brought to you by an award-winning team of disabled journalists – Emma Tracey and Damon Rose – with help from guest contributors who all have personal connections to disability.
Disability Scoop
The premier source for developmental disability news.
Disability Secrets
Some of the most often seen medical conditions on disability applications.
FacingDisability was specifically created to connect families who suddenly have to deal with a spinal cord injury with other people like them. Our website has more than 1,500 videos of family members answering real-life questions about how they cope with a spinal cord injury.
Focus on Disability
For disabled people, the elderly and their carers in the UK.
International Day of People with Disability
International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD) is a United Nations sanctioned day that aims to promote an understanding of people with disability and encourage support for their dignity, rights and well-being.
Jeff Preston
Born with a rare neuromuscular myopathy, Jeff has spent his life dedicated to advocating for himself and others with disabilities. With a PhD in Media Studies from Western University, Jeff's research focuses on the representation of disability in popular and digital culture.
Where businesses and people with disabilities connect.
We want to improve people’s life who are significantly impaired by a physical limitation in their daily lives. This is done by providing comprehensive information and advice about all areas of everyday life with the aim to enable affected people to live a largely independent life. In addition, we want to improve the integration of people with disabilities through raising awareness in society and economy.
The Mighty
We believe in the power of stories, the strength of communities and the beauty of the human spirit.
An online resource for people with disability.
Exceptional Adventures
Exceptional Adventures is a non-profit organization with over 35 years of experience providing vacation opportunities, events and monthly dances for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
The Mobility Resource
Some disabilities prevent people from driving or riding in a car. We're here to change that.

Introducing Stitches!
Your Path to Meaningful Connections in the World of Health and Medicine
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Coming Soon - Stitches, the innovative chat app from the creators of HWN. Join meaningful conversations on health and medical topics. Share text, images, and videos seamlessly. Connect directly within HWN's topic pages and articles.