Drug Shortages
It's basically Hunger Games when you are ordering— the more resources you have, the better you will do - Erin Fox

image by: U.S. Pharmacopeia
HWN Suggests
How to get the medication you need when it’s out of stock
Few people have the time or the background to spend hours on the phone with hospitals, pharmacies, lawmakers, and pharmaceutical companies to get a medication. And while there’s been more awareness about drug shortages in the past year than the US has seen in some time, they’re not going away any time soon.
You can and should get hopping mad about drug shortages. And if you’re affected by one yourself, you have more power than you might think when it comes to getting the medication you need.
Drug Shortage List
ASHP Drug Shortages database is the most widely recognized leading source of drug shortage information for clinicians, consumers, and health policy leaders and is now available for license.
A novel prescription for combating drug shortages
Prescription drug shortages, a longstanding issue for patient care in the United States, are reportedly reaching all-time highs. Safety lapses at manufacturing sites, razor-thin profit margins, and stiff competition have all been blamed in recent months as doctors scramble to find chemotherapy drugs, antibiotics, and other potentially life-saving therapies now in short supply.
America Is Having Yet Another Drug Shortage. Here’s Why It Keeps Happening.
Shortages have occurred regularly since at least the early 2000s, when national tracking began. Hundreds of drugs, in every major therapeutic category, have been unavailable for some period. The average drug shortage lasts about 1.5 years. It is frustrating that this crisis has lasted decades despite a veritable mountain of research, including hundreds of scholarly investigations; 10 years of annual Food and Drug Administration reports; and several congressional hearings.
America's Secretive Drug Shortage Explained—By a Pharmacist Fighting Back
The United States health care system is under pressure as escalating drug shortages grip the nation. However, the reasons behind over half of these shortages are shrouded in mystery.
Drug shortages and the supply chain are a matter of national security, experts say
The pandemic showed how fragile the supply chain can be, and to fix it, the United States needs to treat health care like a national security issue, said experts at a health conference...
Drug Shortages Aren’t Over. And There’s Little Progress Toward Ending Them
“The generics market is in crisis, and it would not be surprising to see more shortages due to product discontinuations caused by bankruptcies, plant closures and individual company decisions that they can no longer afford to supply a drug...
Drug Shortages: A Complex Health Care Crisis
National tracking of drug shortages began in 2001. However, a significant increase in the number of shortages began in late 2009, with numbers reaching what many have termed crisis level. The typical drug in short supply is a generic product administered by injection. Common classes of drugs affected by shortages include anesthesia medications, antibiotics, pain medications, nutrition and electrolyte products, and chemotherapy agents. The economic and clinical effects of drug shortages are significant.
Drug Shortages: A Growing Concern for the Healthcare Industry Worldwide
Drug shortages pose a significant challenge for healthcare providers worldwide, leaving patients without essential medications and healthcare providers struggling to find alternative treatment options.
Low prices are contributing to America's drug shortage problem
A rash of generic drug shortages across the United States can be partly explained by a somewhat counterintuitive and politically inconvenient factor: The prices are way too low.
Possible Ways to Ease Drug Shortages
The American Medical Association recently updated its policy on drug shortages, recommending that nonprofits or governments play a role in shoring up supplies, especially in the case of low-cost generic drugs that are challenging to make.
What’s causing widespread drug shortages in the U.S.
Shortages of over-the-counter drugs and prescription medications for ADHD, cancer and diabetes have been disrupting hospitals and pharmacies for the past year. Now, RSV treatments for infants are the latest to be affected. Michael Ganio, a senior director at the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, joins Ali Rogin to discuss what’s driving the shortages and what can be done about it.
How to get the medication you need when it’s out of stock
The pharmaceutical supply chain is broken, but if you’re facing a drug shortage, you have more power than you think.
Angels for Change
Angels for Change is a volunteer supported organization on a mission to end drug shortages through advocacy, awareness and a resilient supply chain.
End Drug Shortages Alliance
An alliance of health system, supply chain, industry and other stakeholders dedicated to solving pharmaceutical supply challenges by collaborating to increase visibility, access and advocacy. Collectively we will end drug shortages through focus on transparency, quality, redundancy and production of additional supply to achieve measured and sustainable results.
Drug Shortages Canada
Canada's mandatory drug shortage and discontinuation reporting website is operated by Bell Canada under contract with Health Canada. Drug shortages are a complex global problem. Health Canada recognizes the negative impact of drug shortages on patients, health care professionals and the health care system, and works together with stakeholders to build a more open and secure drug supply system.
Drug Shortages can occur for many reasons, including manufacturing and quality problems, delays, and discontinuations. Manufacturers provide FDA most drug shortage information, and the agency works closely with them to prevent or reduce the impact of shortages.

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