Repurposed Drugs

There are drugs sitting in plain sight that are going to help patients right now - Matt Might

Repurposed Drugs
Repurposed Drugs

image by: QIAGEN Digital Insights

HWN Suggests

Giving old drugs new life…to save lives

Along with “SARS-CoV-2” and “cytokine storm,” the COVID-19 pandemic has added an alphabet soup of strange drug names to the public lexicon: hydroxychloroquine, tocilizumab, ivermectin, atovaquone. Though many of us were hearing those names (and struggling to spell them) for the first time, all of these drugs have been around for decades. It was our global “kitchen sink” attempt to identify something – anything – that showed efficacy against the novel coronavirus that brought them into our texts and email threads, along with the hope that some of these drugs could be repurposed to treat COVID-19.

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 Giving old drugs new life…to save lives

Repurposing existing drugs by finding new targets, delivery methods, and formulations is a promising approach to speed the development of much-needed treatments.

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