Sport & Health
Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it - Plato

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HWN Suggests
Examining the Purpose of Sport and Why it Matters
On any given day, athletes put on their uniforms and step out on a field of play. These athletes may be elite professionals or everyday people who just enjoy the experience of competition and camaraderie. Each person participates in sport for different reasons and therefore sport serves a different purpose for each participant. It is safe to say most of these athletes likely do not stop and ask themselves what purpose sport can serve in their lives as they train and compete. And yet, asking questions about the various purposes of sport can help us make some sense of the many debates we see today over the roles that athletes and sport itself play in greater society.
Is sport just…
Coronavirus Poses 5 Huge Threats To The Future Of Sports
The threat to tradition and normalcy...
How elite sportswomen have suffered more than men during the pandemic
But the inequality faced by sportswomen goes deeper than cancelled seasons and late starts. Our research shows that during the break in competition caused by COVID-19, sportswomen felt they earned less and had worse access to equipment than their male counterparts, which impacted their ability to train effectively.
Training protocols during a pandemic
As players return to the field, their health is a primary concern. What was once considered routine, is now a series of choreographed steps to mitigate the risks and control the spread of COVID-19.
We combined the most dangerous parts of every sport—this is the result
Sports injury data reveals some of the riskiest pastimes.
Athletes push for brands and competitors to commit to clean sport
The recent ESPN documentary “Lance” depicts cycling in the 1990s and early 2000s as a cutthroat sport where performance enhancing drug (PED) use was ubiquitous. PED users and their doctors were miles ahead of the sport’s testing protocols, and athletes and support staff who spoke the truth saw their reputations attacked and careers destroyed. While cyclists who doped excelled and won every major competition, clean athletes were left behind, never receiving the accolades and financial success of those who doped.
Chronic illness just one more thing to manage for some athletes
There were days Shannon Boxx was so fatigued that going up against the best soccer players in the world seemed like child’s play compared to putting in just five minutes on the treadmill.
For better health, safety of athletes which playing surface is best?
The type of playing surface in a stadium could be a factor in types of injuries as well as increased heat exposure.
Is Gatorade actually better than water?
The sugar in sports drinks might be helpful—but only to a select few.
Managing private medical information by teams under scrutiny
Players are now trying to prevent teams from releasing injury information, which could have an impact on sports betting.
The exercise “recovery” industry is largely bogus
Christie Aschwanden investigated the sports recovery market and found you don’t need sports drinks, cupping, or ice baths.
A Look At Sports And Health In America
Play ball! Fore! Swish! Americans love sports — watching them and playing them. But as participants, Americans' relationship with sports changes as we grow older. About three-quarters of adults say they played sports when they were younger. By the time people are in their late 20s, however, only 26 percent say they've played sports in the past year.
Which sports are best for health and long life?
It may take decades until we reach definite conclusions about health outcomes of all types of sport. Should you in the meantime sit in front of the TV and wait for researchers to announce the final results? No. Follow your preferences and select an affordable and easily accessible sporting activity you enjoy doing, while trying to minimise the risk of injury.
Concussions and Sports: Can We Have One Without the Other?
Anybody can sustain a concussion, but those who engage in contact sports have an increased risk of repeated and serious concussions that can manifest as dementia in later life.
Cost of Contact in Sports Is Estimated at Over 600,000 Injuries a Year
It seems obvious that there would be more injuries, and more serious ones, among high school and college athletes in football or soccer or lacrosse than, say, in running or tennis. But, how many more, and at what economic cost?
Even if You Hate Sports, They Can Help You Concentrate
Physical activity might help drown out some of the background noise in your brain.
For Elite Athletes, Periods Are Still A Question Mark
For all the advances that science has made in sport, there are few studies and little consensus about how the menstrual cycle affects athletic performance.
Hits to the Head May Result in Immediate Brain Damage
When a teenager is hit in the head, his brain can begin to show signs, within days, of the kind of damage associated with degenerative brain disease, according to an unsettling new study of young men and head injuries. The findings, which also involve tests with animals, indicate that this damage can occur even if the hit does not result in a full-blown concussion.
How Students' Brains Are in Danger on the Field
Recent research makes clear the drastic effects of head injuries on young athletes, and advocates are asking states and schools to do more.
Reducing Injury Risk in Youth Sports
Few parents enroll their children in organized sports with the expectation that they will get injured. Yet children often do get hurt, and sometimes those injuries can sideline young athletes for months or an entire season and may sour them on participating in the future. The effects of sports injuries may even linger into adulthood.
Sleep or Sports: Which Is More Important for Teens?
As pressures mount to shift to later school start times for teens many districts won’t because of sports. Athletes are trained to tough it out, push it to the limit, power through discomfort and fatigue. Districts encourage all students to participate in sports for their health and well-being. So what’s really in the best interest of teens?
Sport For All Campaign Needed to Attack Health Crisis
There’s no solution other than to make significant changes in the way we live our lives. Healthier diets are certainly part of the answer, but a big factor — and one too often overlooked — is that we simply have to move our bodies more. We’re way too sedentary.
Sudden Cardiac Death in Young Athletes - Is It Stoppable?
The sudden death of any young athlete is tragic and often comes as a shock not only to the individual’s immediate family and friends, but also to the affected community.
The Never-Ending Battle Against Sport’s Hidden Foe
MRSA, the acronym for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, was once mostly found in hospitals, clinics and other health care settings. About 20 years ago, it began afflicting athletes in contact sports. Over time, hospitals and other medical facilities developed more stringent hygiene routines that successfully reduced the prevalence of MRSA. It is these best practices that professional teams and athletic departments have spent the last decade emulating. Sports teams, even at some high schools that have the necessary budget, tended to ramp up their preventive efforts with avant-garde measures.
The Silent Sports Health Crisis, Female Athlete Triad
Among female athletes, a triad of conditions is causing long-term health dangers that remain poorly understood and outside any mainstream discussion.
What a lifetime of playing football can do to the human brain
Football isn’t just a contact sport — it’s a dangerous game of massive bodies colliding into one another. And while it may seem obvious that this sport can do extraordinary damage to brains and bodies, it’s taken far too long for the NFL, the medical community, and football fans to fully reckon with this.
What Is The Best Sport For You? Try This Healthy Sport Index
The choice of sports can really make a big difference in your life.
Women's Health and Sports
Women are constantly on the go both at work and home. Active in Sports at all levels, women now look at exercise as a vital part of life. Through the years many people feel that women's health needs have not been met by the male dominated medical profession. Recently, the medical profession has become less male dominated with more research being undertaken on women's health issues.
Examining the Purpose of Sport and Why it Matters
Hopefully the purposes of sport will continue to provide visibility and create space where social change and human rights can become a core purpose of sport.
Six Reasons Why Team Sports Are Good For Your Health
Team sports reduce obesity and increase overall health.
Active is the leading online community for people who want to discover, learn about, share, register for and ultimately participate in activities about which they are passionate.
Exercise Daily
ExerciseDaily! is a free online wellness magazine. Our promise is to provide year-around research news and information on the latest discoveries in exercise, fitness, health, nutrition & wellness.
Developed by the experts at FITNESS magazine, this is the premiere Web site for exercise, health, and nutrition information.
Fitness Journal
Fitness Journal is designed to enhance any diet or exercise program. We do not tell you what to eat or how to workout. FitnessJournal allows you an easy, interactive way to manage your workout and diet information.'s mission is to provide the World with healthy fitness tips and information, 100% free. With our free exercises, recipes, fitness tools & calculators, articles, diet and weight loss support forum, and our training forum, we hope to you can find all the tools needed to live a healthy and active life.
Welcome to GlobalFit, the nation's leading provider of healthy living benefits, helping you and your family to get fit, feel better and live healthier.
Welcome to the NetFit fitness site. With literally thousands of pages of training programs, fitness plans and general exercises, you can find whatever you need to get fit
Sports Health: A Multidisciplinary Approach
Sports Health: A Multidisciplinary Approach (SPH) is a bi-monthly, peer-reviewed journal for primary care physicians, orthopaedic surgeons, physical therapists, athletic trainers and other medical and health care professionals involved in the training and care of the competitive or recreational athlete.
We now have one of the industries most trusted sports medicine content library created by leading sports medicine doctors and specialists. We have over 1,000 sports medicine doctors and specialists enlisted in our directory and opening up their appointments to our SportsMD audience.
Stop Sports Injuries
The comprehensive public outreach program focuses on the importance of sports safety-specifically relating to overuse and trauma injuries. The initiative not only raises awareness and provides education on injury reduction, but also highlights how playing safe and smart can enhance and extend a child's athletic career, improve teamwork, reduce obesity rates and create a lifelong love of exercise and healthy activity.
The Science of Sport
Welcome to the Science of Sport where we bring you the second, third, and fourth level of analysis you will not find anywhere else. Be it doping in sport, hot topics like Caster Semenya or Oscar Pistorius, or the dehydration myth, we try to translate the science behind sports and sports performance. Consider a donation if you like what you see here!
Topend Sports
This is the home page to a wealth of sporting information for those aiming for the top end! Following the sections below to explore my sporting world, to find the sports information that you are after.
Advocates for Injured Athletes
Our mission is to promote sports safety and to provide essential support, education, and resources to help keep athletes safe. We want YOU involved.
Athlete's Heart
Dr. Larry Creswell talking about athletes and heart health.
Athletic Minded Traveler
As an athletic-minded traveler, I know first hand how difficult it can be to find legitimate workout options, especially the best hotel gyms. This website essentially guarantees that my out of town exercise questions will be answered before I leave home.
The Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), founded in 1973, is a Washington-based trade association representing ingredient suppliers and manufacturers in the dietary supplement industry. CRN members adhere to a strong code of ethics, comply with dosage limits and manufacture dietary supplements to high quality standards under good manufacturing practices.
Heart for Athletes
Protecting youth from sudden cardiac arrest.

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Coming Soon - Stitches, the innovative chat app from the creators of HWN. Join meaningful conversations on health and medical topics. Share text, images, and videos seamlessly. Connect directly within HWN's topic pages and articles.