Men's Health
A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools - Spanish Proverb

image by: Autism So What
HWN Suggests
Men more reluctant to go to the doctor – and it’s putting them at risk
Men can expect to die approximately five years sooner than women, and men are more likely to die as a result of unintentional injury and suicide relative to women.
These differences are not well explained by physiological differences between men and women. One possible explanation is that men are more reluctant to go to the doctor – and less likely to be honest once they get there.
We have a cultural script about masculinity that tells men they need to be tough, brave, strong and self-reliant. It’s exemplified in phrases like “be a man” and “man up”. Men learn from an early age if they don’t act in this tough, masculine way they lose their status and respect as men.
We Can Help Men Live Longer
We need to pay more attention to the factors that contribute to earlier deaths for men.
Why Men Won’t Go to the Doctor, and How to Change That
Many men view health complaints as a sign of weakness. So health-care providers are looking for ways around their reluctance.
Here's Why it's Still Really Hard to Get Men to Go to Therapy
The statistics about men’s mental health are alarming. Men complete suicide at more than three times the rate of women. And, as the National Institute of Mental Health reports, “Men are more likely than women to use almost all types of illicit drugs...and illicit drug use is more likely to result in emergency department visits or overdose deaths for men than for women.” Beyond these facts, we also know that men’s mental health literacy lags behind women's, that they report higher levels of mental health stigma
Here’s Why Men Don’t Like Going To The Doctor
“Going to a physician involves a couple of things that may feel uncomfortable for men,” Good said. “They don’t want to ask for directions and they don’t want to have to consult an expert about something that they know less about.”
It's Time to Get Ballsy
Working alongside TCF, Tommy John is hoping to erase the stigma surrounding the disease. It’s time to get a little “ballsy” and start the conversation that many are too timid to have. Speaking up and educating on the importance of performing a monthly self-exam is crucial in the fight against testicular cancer. #supportyourballs
Men.s Health Fixer-Upper
7 common health risks—and how to renovate your life to avoid them.
The healthcare gender bias: do men get better medical treatment?
A study this month found that women are less likely than men to be given CPR – but it is not the only way in which they are given short shrift in an industry where female pain is serially misdiagnosed.
Why So Many Men Die at 62
If you’re approaching age 62, thoughts about retirement and collecting Social Security may be on your mind. Here’s something else to think about as well. A significant increase in mortality starts at 62, according to a new study. The escalation is much more dramatic for men than for women. And the fatal catalyst, the study’s authors believe, might be the availability of Social Security.
Why Women Report Being in Worse Health Than Men
They aren't whiners. Women have a higher rate of underlying chronic health problems.
A New Push for the Male "Pill"
The creators of a male birth control gel designed to inhibit sperm production—while maintaining healthy testosterone levels in the bloodstream—will soon start recruiting 420 couples from around the world to enroll in a new clinical trial.
Guys, Go to the Doctor
What’s the best place for young men’s health care? Planned Parenthood.
It's A Hairy Situation
A good mustache makes a man for many reasons - John Oates
Mars vs. Venus: The gender gap in health
Ask any guy, and he'll tell you that men are the stronger sex. His reasoning is obvious: in general, men are bigger and more muscular than women. They can run faster, lift more, and throw things farther. Men rule on the playing field, but in medical terms, it's a very different story. When it comes to health, men are the weaker sex.
Real Men Touch Their Balls Regularly!
For companies like Tommy John the comfort and well being of men is their main focus. Whether it’s through their partnership with the Testicular Cancer Foundation, or with their comfortable base layers supporting the men in our lives is always a priority. Inspired by this, I decided today to focus on the men in our life, and show how they can be proactive about their health through different stages of their life and maybe we can give them a kick start too.
Sperm Count Dropping in Western World
Sperm counts in men from America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand have dropped by more than 50 percent in less than 40 years, researchers said on Tuesday. They also said the rate of decline is not slowing. Both findings -- in a meta-analysis bringing together various studies -- pointed to a potential decline in male health and fertility.
The Government's War Against Men's Health Is About to Get Much Worse
What could CMS do differently? Instead of using PSA screening (or lack thereof) as a quality metric, how about using treatment as a quality metric? Why not use the EHR to see who is treating low-risk prostate cancer inappropriately? Or use the EHR to see who is ordering inappropriate CT scans or bone scans? Let's monetize appropriate care, not monetize the wholesale disruption of PSA screening. To do so -- as is being proposed -- is a war on men's lives to the benefit of nobody.
Top 5 Health Risks For Men
It is known that men face more daunting health odds than women. Some of this could be due to biology, the type of work they do, or the fact many men place their health last on their list of what to take care of.
When to Say No to Your Doctor
Every time you walk into a physician's office, you run the risk of overtreatment: Tests you don't need, medications that are ineffective (or dangerous), procedures that cause more problems than they solve. In many cases the best thing for your health is to do nothing.
Why Men Have Such a Hard Time With Aging
Traditional thinking about masculinity can work against health. Doctors and patients are trying to change those attitudes.
Men more reluctant to go to the doctor – and it’s putting them at risk
Men can expect to die approximately five years sooner than women, and men are more likely to die as a result of unintentional injury and suicide relative to women. These differences are not well explained by physiological differences between men and women. One possible explanation is that men are more reluctant to go to the doctor – and less likely to be honest once they get there.
5 Common Men's Health Problems and How to Fix Them
When we think about the psychological and physical stressors of raising a child, our sympathies are often directed toward moms. But plenty of dads are all too familiar with the stresses of juggling parenting, work, and daily life.
5 Common Men’s Health Issues (and What to Do About Them)
In the health world, men have a bad rap. Out of the 15 leading causes of death, men lead women in 14 of them. The only disease that women are more likely to get than men is Alzheimer’s disease and that’s because many men don’t live long enough to develop it. If you’re a married heterosexual male, chances are you’ll die an average of five years earlier than your wife. The explanation behind this health gap is a complicated one.
Hims is committed to helping men get the products they need, for topics they’re usually too uncomfortable to talk about– like ED, acne, and hair loss. With hims, a doctor will prescribe and ship the meds you need, all online. Health issues? Optional.
Men's Health Forum
We believe change can happen and we’re always trying to make things better. We don’t blame men or women or anyone else for the poor state of men’s health, we just want to do something about it.
Men's Health Network
Men's Health Network (MHN) is a non-profit educational organization comprised of physicians, researchers, public health workers, individuals and other health professionals.
Every month, Men’s Health provides our readers with actionable information that they can put to work–information that helps them be healthier, smarter, more fashionable, more confident and more successful in their relationships and family life.
Movember Foundation
As an official global charity, Movember’s vision is to have an everlasting impact on the face of men’s health. During November each year, Movember is responsible for the sprouting of millions of moustaches on men's faces around the world. Through the power of the Mo, vital funds and awareness are raised to combat prostate and testicular cancer and mental health challenges.
Foundation 49
Each hour in Australia, more than four men die from conditions that are potentially preventable. Foundation 49: Men’s Health is a direct response to this health crisis affecting 49% of the population — and is dedicated to improving the health status of men across each decade of life.
Harvard Men's Health Watch
Harvard Men’s Health Watch is written specifically for men, to help them lead healthier, longer lives. With men's health news covering everything from prostate disease, nutrition, and exercise to erectile dysfunction (ED) and hair loss,
Welcome to the MHN HealthZone program, an initiative specifically targeted to men so they can see where they measure up on the scorecard of good health and, if needed, make the right changes to live healthier lives.
Just a Guy Thing
Building a better man.
Male Health Center
Founded in 1989 by Dr. Goldberg, the Male Health Center was the first clinic in the U.S. dedicated to treating the range of conditions specific to men. Although not actively treating patients anymore, the Male Health Center lives on in the pages of this Web site by him sharing his experience and opinions.
America’s largest volunteer men’s cancer support group and advocacy national nonprofit organization.
Men's Health Forum in Ireland
The Men’s Health Forum in Ireland (MHFI) works on an all-Ireland basis to enhance the health and well-being of men and boys. It is a diverse network of individuals and organisations, men and women, which seeks to identify the key concerns relating to male health and to increase understanding of these issues.
Men's Health Month
The purpose of Men’s Health Month is to heighten the awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of disease among men and boys. This month gives health care providers, public policy makers, the media, and individuals an opportunity to encourage men and boys to seek regular medical advice and early treatment for disease and injury.
Men's Journal
The best gear and travel destinations, plus guides to men's health, fitness, food, drinks, adventures, and style.
Men'sHealth UK
The UK's best-selling quality men's magazine. Everything you need to live a fuller life.
Talking About Men's Health
Talking About Men’s Health (TAMH) is a resource for men, their families, and other interested parties, about the latest in men’s health public policy, health and fitness information and research, parenting and other relevant issues. In addition to being a resource, TAMH is a forum for you to join the public discourse on men’s health issues. We encourage your comments and participation in the blog.
Young Men's Health (YMH) is a website produced by the Division of Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine at Boston Children's Hospital. The purpose of the website is to provide carefully researched health information to teenage boys and young men.
Alopecia Online
Comprehensive website covering various aspects of alopecia including news, research, reviews, treatment and features people living with alopecia...Team Alopecia.
American Journal of Men's Health
American Journal of Men's Health (AJMH) is a peer-reviewed quarterly resource for cutting-edge information regarding men's health and illness. AJMH publishes papers from all health, behavioral and social disciplines, including but not limited to medicine, nursing, allied health, public health, health psychology/behavioral medicine, and medical sociology and anthropology.
Data are for the U.S.
Dr. Elizabeth Celi
Men's health issues can get wrapped up in all sorts of things. Expectations from society, the media, family and friends lead to confusing messages. A man used to be considered healthy if he was physically fit, but we know now that there are some very serious men's health issues that include mental health, self-esteem and identity.
Extensive resource on the health of men.
Current news, articles and information on mens health.
The Turek Clinic
An international leader in male fertility and men's sexual health.
Our section on men's health offers tools to help men of all ages and backgrounds live stronger, healthier, and even longer lives.

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